3,190 research outputs found

    Pulpite aguda: etiologia, diagnóstico e tratamento

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    A cárie dentária é a principal causa de inflamação pulpar. Quando a lesão cariosa progride, a gravidade da inflamação aumenta e, neste ponto, pode desenvolver-se uma situação especial, denominada pulpite aguda, com intenso quadro álgico, a fazer com que o paciente procure o médico dentista em atendimento, muitas vezes, de emergência. O profissional tem o papel fundamental frente as diversas situações de dor dentária, independentemente, do tipo de tratamento a ser executado, através de um diagnóstico preciso para se obter sucesso no controlo da dor nos tratamentos endodônticos de urgência. O diagnóstico clínico de pulpite aguda está destinado para situações de dor pulpar presente, de aparecimento espontâneo e resposta positiva aos testes de sensibilidade pulpar. O tratamento indicado para a pulpite aguda é a pulpectomia e, na falta de tempo, a pulpotomia. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre pulpite aguda, nomeadamente sobre a sua etiologia, o seu diagnóstico e o seu tratamento.Dental caries is the main cause of pulpal inflammation. When the carious lesion progresses, the severity of the inflammation increases and, at this point, a special situation, known as an acute pulpitis with intense pain, can be developed to cause the patient to see the dentist. emergency. The professional plays a fundamental role in facing the various dental pain situations, regardless of the type of treatment to be performed, through a precise diagnosis to be successful in controlling pain in emergency endodontic treatments. The clinical diagnosis of acute pulpitis is intended for present pulp pain, spontaneous onset and positive response to pulp sensitivity tests. The treatment indicated for acute pulpitis is pulpectomy and, in lack of time, pulpotomy. The aim of this study is to perform a literature review on acute pulpitis, namely on its etiology, its diagnosis and its treatment

    Modelo de um jogo de cooperação orientado para a comunidade surda

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    The rise of digital content and appearance of new devices capable of a more precise motion recognition creates an opportunity for developers to spread their work to a wider audience. A cooperation game model for the deaf is presented in this master thesis. It’s integrated within the VirtualSign project that consist on a bidirectional translator of sign language. The game consists of a first person puzzle game and requires two players to cooperate in order to get through the game. The game has a chat where users can type but it also makes use of the VirtualSign translator to allow deaf users to chat within the game using sign language. The cooperation is not only necessary but also rewarded as the players performance is represented through a score. The players can compare their performances as team with others through the high score list. The interface is fairly intuitive and allows the player to access all the core features needed for the game and the chat. The game story is also translated through the avatar. The game was designed for the deaf community and players aged above 12 years old. It was tested by 10 individuals with ages ranging from 23 to 65 and the feedback was very positive allowing the improvement of a few features. The results of the users testing is represented on the QEF where the game scored a 95% quality rate. This game aims to improve the social inclusion of the deaf community and show that it’s possible to communicate with them in games using their own language.Com o aumento do conteúdo digital e o surgimento de novas tecnologias capazes de obter uma maior precisão na captura e reconhecimento de movimentos, surge a oportunidade para os criadores de software de expandirem os seus conteúdos para mais pessoas. Nesta dissertação do mestrado é apresentado um modelo de um jogo de cooperação orientado para a comunidade surda. Este jogo está integrado no projeto VirtualSign que consiste num tradutor bidirecional de língua gestual. O jogo consiste na resolução de puzzles e é jogado em primeira pessoa. Dentro do jogo existe um chat de texto, no entanto permite aos surdos que usem o tradutor VirtualSign para falar em língua gestual. A conversa aparece sempre em texto e traduzida para língua gestual por um Avatar. A cooperação dentro do jogo não só é necessária como é recompensada através da pontuação dos jogadores. Os jogadores podem comparar as suas performances como equipa através da lista de melhores pontuações. O jogo apresenta vários desafios que só podem ser ultrapassados com a cooperação dos jogadores. A interface é intuitiva e permite aos utilizadores o acesso a todas as principais funcionalidades do jogo e também ao chat. A história do jogo é também traduzida pelo avatar. Isto permite aos utilizadores surdos uma fácil interpretação do jogo, o que não acontece quando só é apresentado texto escrito. O jogo foi criado com principal foco na comunidade surda, para jogadores com idades superiores a 12 anos. Os testes foram feitos por 10 jogadores com idades contidas entre 23 e 65 anos e o feedback foi bastante positivo, o que permitiu que fossem melhorados alguns aspetos funcionais do jogo. Os testes foram feitos em duas fases, alfa e beta. O resultado dos testes encontram-se representados no QEF. O jogo teve uma pontuação final de 95% utilizando o QEF. Este jogo ambiciona melhorar a inclusão social da comunidade surda e mostrar que é possível comunicar com surdos dentro de um jogo utilizando Língua gestual

    Measuring Productivity Change and Its Components for Fisheries: The Case of the Alaskan Pollock Fishery, 1994-2003

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    Traditional productivity measures have been much less prevalent than other measures of economic and biological performance in fisheries economics. It has been increasingly recognized, however, that modeling and measuring fisheries' production relationships is central to understanding and ultimately correcting the repercussions of externalities and poorly designed regulations. We use a transformation function production model to estimate productivity and its components for the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands pollock fishery. We recognize the roles of externalities from pollock harvesting by incorporating data on environmental conditions, bycatch, and biomass stock, and capture regulatory impacts through fishing strategy indicators and fixed effects. We find that the productive contributions and interactions of environmental conditions, bycatch, and fishing strategies are statistically significant, and that regulatory changes have had both direct and indirect impacts on catch patterns.Fisheries Productivity, Regulatory Impacts, Bycatch, Environmental Factors, Primal Production Model, Productivity Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    La medicina y la logopedia se unen contra la afasia

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    Este trastorno, que dificulta la comunicación verbal y sensorial de la persona afectada, puede remitir gracias a la utilización de fármacos aplicados en otras patologías cerebrales como el Alzheimer. Además, en combinación con sesiones de logopedia se ha demostrado que los pacientes pueden experimentar una considerable mejora en la articulación de palabras

    The white dwarf cooling sequence of 47 Tucanae

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    47 Tucanae is one of the most interesting and well observed and theoretically studied globular clusters. This allows us to study the reliability of our understanding of white dwarf cooling sequences, to confront different methods to determine its age, and to assess other important characteristics, like its star formation history. Here we present a population synthesis study of the cooling sequence of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. In particular, we study the distribution of effective temperatures, the shape of the color-magnitude diagram, and the corresponding magnitude and color distributions. We do so using an up-to-date population synthesis code based on Monte Carlo techniques, that incorporates the most recent and reliable cooling sequences and an accurate modeling of the observational biases. We find a good agreement between our theoretical models and the observed data. Thus, our study, rules out previous claims that there are still missing physics in the white dwarf cooling models at moderately high effective temperatures. We also derive the age of the cluster using the termination of the cooling sequence, obtaining a good agreement with the age determinations using the main-sequence turn-off. Finally, we find that the star formation history of the cluster is compatible with that btained using main sequence stars, which predict the existence of two distinct populations. We conclude that a correct modeling of the white dwarf population of globular clusters, used in combination with the number counts of main sequence stars provides an unique tool to model the properties of globular clusters.Comment: 6 pages and 4 figures accepted for publication in A &

    Neurobehavioral changes in people with post-stroke aphasia

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    At present, research on neurobehavioral disorders in people with post-stroke aphasia is scarce, especially in Spanish. The objective of this study is to design a new scale on neurobehavioral change, the Scale of Neurobehavioral Affectation in Aphasia (EANA, in Spanish) and to evaluate 14 people affected by chronic post-stroke aphasia (mean age: 51/ DT: 7.2) together with their main informants. At the same time, psychiatric (Neuropsychiatric Inventory, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Stroke Aphasic Depression Questionnaire), cognitive (Mini Mental State examination, Informer Test) and functional instruments (Stroke and Aphaisa Quality of Life Scale and Barthel Index) have been used to provide a multidimensional description of the affected persons. The results show statistically significant neurobehavioral changes in multiple domains. According to the EANA, those affected with post-stroke aphasia communicate with less frequently, show more introversion, shyness, dependence and apathy, behave in a more infantile manner ("makes me grimaces"), in addition to showing heightened anxiety and impulsivity. Finally, the informants report more aggressive acts, both verbal (insults) and physical (throwing objects, hitting both objects as persons), that did not occur before the stroke. According to the psychiatric instruments, many of the affected cope with anxiety, agitation and apathy, as well as mild depression. At a cognitive level, affected individuals show mild to moderate deficits, especially in working memory and temporal orientation. Functionally most individuals maintain a medium-high level of functional independence in daily activities. These findings support the inclusion of recommendations for the routine assessment and management of neurobehavioral changes to help optimize long-term recovery in people with stroke and aphasia.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Plasticidad cerebral y lenguaje

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    Hace pocos años se daba por sentado que la recuperación del lenguaje tras una lesión cerebral era imposible, al igual que adquirir la lengua materna más allá de los tres primeros años de vida. Sin embargo, las últimas indagaciones muestran que nuestra capacidad de aprender es mucho mayor

    Water Management Strategies and Cultural Practices for Strawberry Establishment in Florida

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    Florida’s strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch) production system is mainly dependent on short-day cultivars produced as bare-root (BR) transplants, which are high-yielding and low-cost options for Florida growers. The strawberry industry in Florida is greatly dependent on early yield (mid-November, early December). Therefore, Florida growers must secure rapid establishment of the BR transplants and for that reason, high volumes of irrigation water are applied to reduce air temperature around plant crowns and mitigate desiccation. This practice accounts for nearly 14.7 million m3 of irrigation water between mid-September and early October. Several alternatives are available to growers to reduce irrigation water for establishment. One of those alternatives suggests replacing BR transplants for actively growing strawberry plugs (SPs). However, the higher price of SP transplants seems to be the main limitation for their implementation. Alternately, growers could explore the possibility of introducing intermittent irrigation or low-volume sprinklers into their system to establish BR transplants. An inexpensive option, based on a large body of research, would be the application of crop protectants against excessive sun radiation, which could reduce irrigation water for establishment by up to 30%. Despite the suggested alternatives, there is still a great deal of work needed to increase grower’s confidence in these technologies

    O sistema de aprendizagem em alternância : alternativas ou mais do mesmo?

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    As organizações de trabalho são parte cada vez mais interessada nos resultados dos processos de aprendizagem – uma aprendizagem que se deseja a mais completa possível englobando um vasto conjunto de saberes e competências. Do ponto de vista político, ideológico e económico, o investimento no capital humano ressurge como um imperativo fundamental para o bem-estar e desenvolvimento das organizações, num contexto marcado por constantes transformações do mercado de trabalho, de alcance cada vez mais globalizado. Prolifera uma extensa variedade de alternativas para os jovens que optem pelo prosseguimento de estudos no nível secundário, cada uma delas possuindo enquadramentos normativos e regulamentares distintos que definem as suas naturezas e finalidades. A oferta educativa e formativa, a este nível, tenta responder, de múltiplas formas, a diferentes projectos vocacionais esforçando-se por conciliá-los com as "necessidades " do mercado de trabalho. A panóplia de oportunidades formativas situa-se num continuum entre a teoria (perfis formativos de índole mais académica) e a prática (perfis formativos de natureza mais profissionalizante) ou ainda, entre o que comummente se entende por educação e formação. O Sistema de Aprendizagem em Alternância existe há orais de vinte anos, mas permanece um sistema relativamente desconhecido. Que resultados tem produzido ao longo de duas décadas? Pretendemos comparar e contrastar este sistema coam os restantes de nível secundário, realçando as características distintivas do primeiro face aos segundos. A recente publicação do DL 39612007, de 31 de Dezembro, promete, com a criação do Sistema Nacional de Qualificações, introduzir profundas mudanças no sistema de educação e formação em vigor, procurando ajustá-lo às novas realidades. E nosso objectivo analisar criticamente o impacto destas recentes medidas políticas na reconfiguração do campo da educação e formação e da sua (re)articulaçào coar o mercado de trabalho